How to Install Numpy in Jupyter Notebook (Windows, Linux , & maCOS) :

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How to Install Numpy in Jupyter Notebook (Windows 10, Linux Ubuntu, & maCOS) :

NumPy is a fundamental library for Python, especially in scientific computing and data analysis. It provides efficient data structures for working with arrays and matrices, along with a wide range of mathematical functions. If you use Jupyter Notebook for your Python development, installing NumPy is essential to perform numerical computations, data manipulation, and more. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the detailed process of installing NumPy in Jupyter Notebook on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

1. Introduction

NumPy is an essential library for scientific computing, data analysis, and numerical operations in Python. If you’re using Jupyter Notebook, you’ll want to ensure that NumPy is properly installed to leverage its powerful features. This guide will take you through the installation steps on Windows, Linux, and macOS, and show you how to start using NumPy in your Jupyter notebooks.

2. How to Install Jupyter Notebook

Before we install NumPy in Jupyter Notebook, we need to set up Jupyter Notebook itself. The installation process for Jupyter Notebook is similar across different operating systems, with some minor differences in the initial setup.

How to Install Jupyter Notebook in Windows

To install Jupyter Notebook on Windows, follow these steps:

1. Install Python: If you don’t have Python installed, download and install the latest version from the official Python website at During installation, make sure to check the option to add Python to your PATH.

2. Open Command Prompt: Open the Command Prompt (cmd) from the Start menu.

3. Install Jupyter Notebook: Use pip, the Python package manager, to install Jupyter Notebook by running the following command:

pip install jupyter

4. Start Jupyter Notebook: After installation, you can start Jupyter Notebook by running:

jupyter notebook

How to Install Jupyter Notebook in Linux

To install Jupyter Notebook on Linux, follow these steps:

1. Install Python: Most Linux distributions come with Python pre-installed. To check if Python is installed, open a terminal and run:

python --version

If Python is not installed, you can typically install it using your system’s package manager. For example, on Debian-based systems (e.g., Ubuntu), you can use apt-get:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python3

For Red Hat-based systems (e.g., Fedora), you can use dnf or yum:

sudo dnf install python3

2. Install Jupyter Notebook: Use pip to install Jupyter Notebook by running the following command:

pip install jupyter

Start Jupyter Notebook: After installation, you can start Jupyter Notebook by running:

jupyter notebook

How to Install Jupyter Notebook in macOS :

To install Jupyter Notebook on macOS, follow these steps:

1. Install Homebrew: If you don’t already have Homebrew installed, open Terminal and run the following command to install it:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL

2. Install Python: Use Homebrew to install Python 3 by running:

brew install python@3

3. Install Jupyter Notebook: Use pip to install Jupyter Notebook:

pip install jupyter

4. Start Jupyter Notebook: After installation, you can start Jupyter Notebook by running:

jupyter notebook

3. Creating and Using Jupyter Notebooks

Once Jupyter Notebook is installed, you can create and use Jupyter notebooks:

1. Open a Web Browser: Jupyter Notebook runs in your web browser. After starting it, a new browser window or tab should open.

2. Create a New Notebook: In the Jupyter Notebook interface, click on the “New” button and select “Python 3” (or a similar option) to create a new notebook.

3. Working in a Notebook: Jupyter notebooks consist of cells that can contain code, text, or other content. You can write Python code in code cells and execute them by clicking the “Run” button or pressing Shift+Enter.

4. Save Your Work: Be sure to save your work regularly by clicking “File” and selecting “Save and Checkpoint.”

4. How to Install Numpy in Jupyter Notebook

Now that you have Jupyter Notebook set up, you can install NumPy. NumPy can be installed using either pip or conda, depending on your preference and your Python environment.

Using pip

To install NumPy using pip in your Jupyter Notebook, follow these steps:

1. Open a Jupyter Notebook: Start or open a Jupyter Notebook as described in the previous section.

2. Create a New Notebook Cell: In the notebook, create a new cell by clicking the “+” button or selecting “Insert” > “Insert Cell Below.”

3. Install NumPy: In the new cell, type the following command to install NumPy using pip:

!pip install numpy

Run the Cell: Execute the cell by clicking the “Run” button or pressing Shift+Enter. The installation process will run in the notebook cell, and you’ll see the progress and installation messages.

Using conda

If you prefer to use conda for package management, you can install NumPy using conda within your Jupyter Notebook:

1. Open a Jupyter Notebook: Start or open a Jupyter Notebook as described earlier.

2. Create a New Notebook Cell: In the notebook, create a new cell by clicking the “+” button or selecting “Insert” > “Insert Cell Below.”

3. Install NumPy: In the new cell, type the following command to install NumPy using conda:

!conda install numpy

4. Run the Cell: Execute the cell by clicking the “Run” button or pressing Shift+Enter. The installation process will run in the notebook cell, and you’ll see the progress and installation messages.

5. Verifying the NumPy Installation

After installing NumPy in your Jupyter Notebook, you can verify the installation by importing NumPy and checking its version in a notebook cell:

1. Create a New Notebook Cell: In your Jupyter notebook, create a new cell where you can check the NumPy installation.

2. Import NumPy: In the cell, type the following code to import NumPy:

import numpy as np

3. Check the NumPy Version: Type the following code to check the NumPy version:


4. Run the Cell: Execute the cell to see the NumPy version printed in the notebook. If you see the version number, it confirms that NumPy is installed and working correctly.

6. Using NumPy in Jupyter Notebook

Now that you have successfully installed NumPy in your Jupyter Notebook, you can start using it for various scientific and numerical computations. NumPy provides efficient data structures like arrays and matrices, along with a wide range of mathematical functions for numerical operations.

Here’s a simple example of creating and performing operations on a NumPy array in a Jupyter Notebook cell:

You can add and run code cells in your notebook to explore NumPy’s capabilities further.

Conclusion :

In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the installation of NumPy in Jupyter Notebook on Windows, Linux, and macOS. NumPy is a crucial library for scientific computing and data analysis in Python, and having it properly installed is essential for various applications. Whether you’re working on numerical computations, data manipulation, or machine learning, NumPy is a valuable tool in your Python toolkit. Enjoy using NumPy in your Jupyter Notebook projects!

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