How to Install Numpy in Jupyter Notebook on Anaconda (Windows, Linus & maCOS)

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Anaconda is a powerful platform for data science and scientific computing. It provides a comprehensive ecosystem of tools and libraries that make it easier to work with Python for data analysis, machine learning, and scientific research. Jupyter Notebook, on the other hand, is an interactive computing environment that allows you to create and share documents containing live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text.

How to Install Numpy in Jupyter Notebook on Anaconda (Windows, Linus & maCOS) :

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of installing NumPy, a fundamental library for numerical and scientific computing in Python, within an Anaconda Jupyter Notebook environment. NumPy enables you to work efficiently with arrays and matrices, making it an essential tool for data manipulation and numerical operations.

1. Introduction to Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook

Anaconda is an open-source distribution of Python and R designed for data science and machine learning. It includes a wide range of pre-installed data science libraries and tools, making it an ideal choice for data professionals and researchers.

Jupyter Notebook is an interactive web-based platform that allows you to create and share documents containing live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. It is an excellent tool for data exploration, analysis, and sharing insights with others.

2. Installing Anaconda

Downloading Anaconda :

The first step is to download the Anaconda distribution that matches your operating system. Visit the Anaconda download page and choose the version that corresponds to your system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).

Installing Anaconda :

Once you’ve downloaded the Anaconda installer, follow these steps to install it:

Windows: Double-click the downloaded executable file and follow the installation prompts. Make sure to check the box that says “Add Anaconda to my PATH environment variable” during the installation.

macOS: Open the downloaded .pkg file and follow the installation prompts.

Linux: Open a terminal, navigate to the directory containing the downloaded Anaconda installer, and execute the following command:

bash Anaconda3-<version>

Replace <version> with the specific version you downloaded.

During the installation process, you can choose to let Anaconda modify your shell startup scripts, which will make it easier to use Anaconda from the command line.

3. Starting Jupyter Notebook

Launching Jupyter Notebook from Anaconda Navigator

Anaconda Navigator is a graphical interface that allows you to manage your Anaconda environments and applications. Here’s how to start Jupyter Notebook from Anaconda Navigator:

1. Open Anaconda Navigator from your system’s applications or by searching for it.

2. In the Navigator interface, you’ll see a list of available environments on the left. You can choose the base (root) environment or any other environment you’ve created.

3. Click the “Launch” button for Jupyter Notebook. This will open a new tab in your web browser with the Jupyter Notebook interface.

Starting Jupyter Notebook from the Command Line

You can also start Jupyter Notebook directly from the command line. Here’s how:

1. Open a terminal or command prompt.

2. Activate your desired Anaconda environment by running the following command:

conda activate myenv

Replace myenv with the name of your Anaconda environment. If you want to use the base environment, you can skip this step.

3. Start Jupyter Notebook by running the following command:

jupyter notebook

This will open a new tab in your web browser with the Jupyter Notebook interface.

4. Creating a New Jupyter Notebook

Once you have Jupyter Notebook open in your web browser, you can create a new notebook to start working. Here’s how to create a new Jupyter Notebook:

1. Click the “New” button on the right side of the Jupyter Notebook dashboard.

2. From the dropdown menu, select “Python 3” (or any other kernel you prefer) to create a new Python notebook.

3. A new notebook will open, and you can start working in it. You can add and execute code cells, write text in Markdown cells, and more.

5. Installing NumPy in Jupyter Notebook

Installing NumPy in your Jupyter Notebook environment is a straightforward process. You can use either conda or pip to install it.

Using Conda

To install NumPy using conda, follow these steps:

1. In a code cell of your Jupyter Notebook, type the following command:

!conda install numpy

This command tells Jupyter Notebook to run the conda installer with the specified package name, which is NumPy in this case.

2. Execute the cell by clicking the “Run” button or by pressing Shift+Enter.

Jupyter Notebook will execute the command, and you’ll see the installation progress and messages within the cell’s output area.

Using pip

Alternatively, you can use pip to install NumPy within your Jupyter Notebook:

1. In a code cell, type the following command:

!pip install numpy

This command instructs Jupyter Notebook to use pip, the Python package manager, to install NumPy.

2. Execute the cell by clicking the “Run” button or by pressing Shift+Enter.

Jupyter Notebook will execute the command, and you’ll see the installation progress and messages in the cell’s output area.

6. Verifying the NumPy Installation

After installing NumPy in your Jupyter Notebook, you can verify the installation by importing NumPy and checking its version in a code cell. Here’s how to do it:

1. Create a new code cell in your Jupyter Notebook.

2. In the code cell, type the following code to import NumPy:

import numpy as np

This code imports NumPy and assigns it the alias np, which is a common convention.

3. Add another line in the same cell to check the NumPy version:


This line will print the NumPy version to the output area.

4. Execute the cell by clicking the “Run” button or by pressing Shift+Enter.

You should see the NumPy version printed in the cell’s output area, which confirms that NumPy is installed and accessible in your Jupyter Notebook.

7. Using NumPy in Jupyter Notebook

Now that you have successfully installed NumPy in your Jupyter Notebook environment, you can start using it for various numerical and scientific computing tasks. NumPy provides efficient data structures like arrays and matrices, along with a wide range of mathematical functions for numerical operations.

Here’s a simple example of creating and performing operations on a NumPy array in a Jupyter Notebook cell:

You can add and run code cells in your notebook to explore NumPy’s capabilities further.

Conclusion :

In this guide, you’ve learned how to install NumPy in an Anaconda Jupyter Notebook environment. Anaconda provides a powerful platform for data science and scientific computing, and Jupyter Notebook allows you to create interactive and shareable documents containing live code, visualizations, and explanatory text. By adding NumPy to your Jupyter Notebook, you can leverage its capabilities for efficient data manipulation and numerical operations in your data analysis and research projects. Enjoy working with NumPy in your Anaconda Jupyter Notebook!

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